Castle Blog

Castle Characters David Silk Castle Characters David Silk

Castle Characters - Adam of Alnwyk

Adam of Alnwyk is outwardly one of the most outwardly respectable of our Castle Characters. A holy friar of the Dominican order, sworn to poverty, chastity and obedience and living an austere life of religious devotion. But there’s more under the surface, that reveals something of the sordid underbelly of life in medieval Newcastle.

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Castle Characters - William Burntoft

William of Burntoft was a physician living in Newcastle Upon Tyne. In 1312 he was summoned to Newcastle Castle by the command of none other than King Edward II himself! He was to attend the King’s favourite, the handsome Gascon knight Sir Piers Gaveston, who suffered from what sources call a “secret illness”. He was paid over £6 in a few days, an extravagant sum in a day and age when the average wage was only 2 pence per day! Who was William Burntoft, and what did being a medieval physician entail?

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Snapshots in Time, Castle Characters David Silk Snapshots in Time, Castle Characters David Silk

Castle Characters - Odo and Eustace

Odo and Eustace represent the hundreds of soldiers who served as guards and garrison soldiers at Newcastle Castle over the years. When the Castle was first built in the 1100s, each baron living near Newcastle was required to send a certain number of knights each year to serve as guards for the Castle. Over time, knights were generally replaced with humbler soldiers like Odo and Eustace. Find out more about their life and times here!

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Snapshots in Time David Silk Snapshots in Time David Silk

Castle Characters - Gong Farmer

The gong farmer had the unpleasant but vital job of cleaning out the garderobes and looking after the midden of the Castle. By the 1500s the Castle was largely deserted and a huge part of the grounds was given over to the midden – a vast pile of poo that would have filled 30 shipping containers!

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Snapshots in Time, Castle Characters David Silk Snapshots in Time, Castle Characters David Silk

Castle Characters - Plague Doctor

The plague doctor would have been a familiar but dreaded sight in the Newcastle in the 1600s. In 1636, the plague struck North Shields and soon spread to Newcastle. It swept through the town killing thousands and leaving the rest in fear – it was said that people locked themselves in their homes and refused to come out, and that grass grew on the streets. Today’s blog post looks at the sinister beaked figure of the plague doctor!

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Snapshots in Time, Castle Characters David Silk Snapshots in Time, Castle Characters David Silk

Castle Characters - Matilda the Barber

Time to introduce another one of our Castle Characters, one much lowlier than the Knight and Royal Lady that we have met so far. This is Matilda, the Barber, who lived in Newcastle near the Castle itself at the end of the 1200s. Ordinary working people like Matilda often disappear in histories of the medieval period, which tend to concentrate much more on the doings of knights, kings, queens and what have you. But we should not lose sight of the people that it was the work of these ordinary people that kept the whole kingdom running, and they lived lives every bit as interesting as their “betters”. Today we’ll be delving into the often gruesome work of the medieval barber…

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