Knight School

Sir Aymer de Atholl

Sir Aymer de Atholl

Perfect for Key Stage 1 and 2. Knight School is an active hands on workshop where children will learn all about the training of knights, from their training as pages and squires to the knighting ceremony itself.

The workshop takes place in the Harbottle Suite in the Black Gate. This is an indoor classroom with two toilets (one accessible) and heating. It lasts approximately 90 minutes, though this can be varied if necessary to fit your needs.

Activities include:

  • Learning about chivalry through a word suggestion game

  • Learning about courtesy and medieval manners. Taught to bow and curtsey and to be cup bearers (physical activity)

  • Learning about a knight’s armour. Handling exercise where children can see, feel and try on elements of medieval armour and weaponry

  • Learning how knights trained for combat. Physical activity where the children train in a number of basic stances and moves based on actual medieval training manuals, using foam swords and shields

  • One of the children (chosen by the teacher) will be knighted to show the ceremony of knighthood

Alternative or extra activities can include:

  • Learning a basic medieval circle dance to recorded music

Learning Outcomes:

Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality; events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally; a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066; a local history study, KS1 vocabulary, reflective learning, team working, effective participation, independent enquiry, communication, fun and enjoyment with others, self-confidence, self-esteem


Castles and Courts